Work Package Structure
WP1 – Use Cases, REQUIREMENTS & Specifications
Lead: Robert Bosch GmbH
Requirements and specification for the enabling interface and packaging technologies for super-computing platforms of highly automated and autonomous vehicles.
WP2 – From Components to System & Method DESIGN
Lead: CADFEM Germany GmbH
DESIGN of electronic components, modules and the system of the functional packaging technology demonstrator of the automotive supercomputing platform, including the new Design for Reliability (DfR) Methods and digital twins.
WP3 – Component & Module/Board and Method DEVELOPMENT
Lead: Nexperia BV
Development and functional test of all HW components and modules of the functional packaging technology research demonstrators as well as of the novel digitized methods for DfR and PHM of automotive supercomputing systems.
WP4 – HW & SW System INTEGRATION and Test
Lead: Berliner Nanotest und Design GmbH
Assembly of all HW components and modules into the packaging demonstrator of an automotive supercomputing platform, integration and test of the SW routines needed for the functional demonstration / implementation of the new test strategy and all compact digital twins.
WP5 – Performance & Technology VALIDATION
Performance validation of the e²LEAD System* as a functional packaging technology & methodology demonstrator for a supercomputing platform enabling automated and autonomous driving.
*(Chiplet, SPS, and CoolStar modules / Compact Digital Twins & Virtual release through referencing)
Lead: Delft University of Technology
Disseminating the project results and outcomes to selected target groups and transforming these results into business opportunities for exploitation accompanied by increased visibility of the involved companies in the market.
WP7 – Project Management
Lead: Robert Bosch GmbH
Overall project management, timely and efficient implementation of the work plan and continuous monitoring of all project activities. Communication management within and outside the project. Administrative management for the project. Monitor that all relevant rules and regulations (contractual, legal, ethical, security) related to the project research are properly considered and any relevant conventions are respected.